Traffic deaths in Kenya decrease by 1.5 pc in 11 months

By Road Safety Hub reporter

Kenya’s National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has stated that traffic deaths have reduced by 1.5 percent between January and November 2016, compared to the same period last year.

Data from the authority shows that 2,607 people were killed in road crashes between January 1 and November 20 this year.

NTSA Director General Francis Meja said 2, 646 people were killed on Kenyan roads last year.

Statistics show the highest number of deaths this year were of pedestrians with 975.

Motorcyclists’ deaths, however were on the rise with 636 in 2016 compared to 554 last year.

The data further showed that private motorists accounted for the highest number of crashes with 30 percent followed by heavy commercial vehicles at 29 percent.

He said hundreds of heavy commercial vehicles transport goods from the Port of Mombasa to other towns in Kenya and countries in East Africa on the Northern Corridor.

“The crashes are caused by fatigue, human error and also overloading,” he said.

Motorcycles accounted for 21 percent of the accidents while public transport vehicles accounted for 19 percent.

Mr Meja cautioned road users over the festive season that is usually characterized by increased accidents.

“NTSA is calling upon all the stakeholders and road users to play the role to ensure that crashes, injuries and fatalities are reduced to all time low-if not eliminated completely,” he said.

He said accidents rise over December holiday due to increased travel hours, distance, overloading and numbers of trips by public transport vehicles.

He said the authority will enhance speed checks, drink-driving tests and motor vehicle inspections during the season.