
Toolkit for Gender Sensitive Public Transport launched

UN Habitat and Flone Initiative have developed a toolkit that can guide public transport operators in improving their services for women

The toolkit titled: Gender Sensitive Mini-Bus Services & Transport Infrastructure for African Cities identifies best practices on gender and urban transport applied in cities around the world, with a particular focus on developing cities.

Case studies from Nairobi City in Kenya that were reviewed reveal that:

  • 76% of female operators (drivers and conductors) have either experienced or witnessed sexual harassment
  • 25% of those cases go unreported because victims and witnesses feel that perpetrators will not be held accountable
  • 18% of women declared they did not travel for fear of sexual assault, with not one man saying the yes to this question

The toolkit provides recommendations for public transport providers, policy makers and civil society. The recommendations for public minibus transport providers include customer feedback tools, sample customer service charter, development and implementation of zero-tolerance sexual harassment policies that address concerns for both workers and commuters.

It also recommends of minibus modifications that support the specific needs of commuters traveling with children, carrying large packages and living with both visible and invisible disabilities.

CLICK HERE to download the Tool Kit